A couple weeks ago, downloaded deb file for Opera from Opera web site,
and installed.  Ran fine.  Now it won't.  At first, thought is was
my upgrading to openjdk7-jre and icedtea-7-plugin, but found out
one of Chrome's files was the culprit.  Opera uses pepperflash
and the Chrome PDF plugins, one of which (or both) now requires version
2.14 of libc6. Wheezy has 2.13, latest version.  And installing 2.14
was not a safe option: too much a risk of screwing up the system. So,
Opera as a replacement for Chrome is out.

FWIW, as a check, installed Opera on Jessie LXDE desktop (stock
install) that I installed in a VM on this Wheezy system months ago.
Works fine.

Guess I'm stuck with the unsupported Chrome.  No biggie.


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