Sorry, didn't give enough detail in the original message. I'm trying to connect to Exim-tls from my mail client ( on OS X) via SMTP (using SSL) in order to send messages. That's what's not working. Where would those failures be logged?

Thanks for the lightening-quick reply!


On Sunday, November 16, 2003, at 10:42 AM, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:

On Sun, Nov 16, 2003 at 10:25:14 -0800, John Schofield wrote:
First off, I'm trying to get secure POP, secure IMAP, and secure SMTP set
up on a Woody box.

The easiest path I've found seems to be installing exim-tls. It installs
correctly, but I can't seem to connect to it from my mail reader.

Exim is a MTA with some MDA functionality. (MTA == Mail Transfer Agent, a
system that handles SMTP; MDA == Mail Delivery Agent, a system that delivers
mail into mailboxes) It is not a POP3 or IMAP server. There's nothing in
exim for a mail reader to "connect" to.
A typical Unix mail reader access mailboxes through the filesystem and uses
the /usr/sbin/sendmail binary to send out mail on its behalf. If you want to
use a remote mail reader which accesses your mailboxes through (secure) POP3
or IMAP, you need to install a daemon that serves those protocols (for
example, Courier), and to configure it to cooperate with exim (have exim
deliver received mail where your POP3 or IMAP server expects to find it).

I keep pitching my epic space opera about alien robots who infest our planet
and live off celebrities dryer lint to various publishers, but nobody wants
to publish a book written by a leader of mexican food, and starring a hero
named Litmus VanCenturfuge and his sidekick Pipet Jerks. - CmdrTaco

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John Schofield
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