On Sun, 16 Nov 2003 19:04:42 -0000
"John Stumbles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm trying to connect to my Woody (3.0r1) box from vnc client on
> windoze, but I only get blank (textured) screen and X mouse cursor
> (initially in centre of screen, then follows windows mouse cursor
> around when that enters the vnc window).
> When I run vncserver it says:
> New 'X' desktop is Hostname:1
> ...etc...
> Then .xsession-errors gets [re]written with:
> xrdb: Connection refused
> xrdb: Can't open display 'Hostname:1'

I've had this kind of problem attempting to get vnc servers up on
"older" boxen.  My problem turned out to be that ssh was setting the
XAUTHORITY env variable.  The solution was to unset it before running


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