On Sat, May 7, 2016 at 7:43 PM Sven Arvidsson <s...@whiz.se> wrote:

> On Fri, 2016-05-06 at 21:02 -0500, Seb wrote:
> > For a few weeks, I'm experiencing complete system freezes that occur
> > nearly every day and seemingly at random or not linked to any easily
> > identifiable activity.  This is a new system (Lenovo ThinkCentre
> > M800),
> Another thought: Is the intel-microcode package installed and up to
> date?
> --
> Cheers,
> Sven Arvidsson
> http://www.whiz.se

Sven might be on to something there, there has been a lot of chatter about
dodgy microcode updates with recent Intel processors eg Skylake. Some
versions are widely derided as causing lots of problems. I'm not sure if
it's a question of getting the latest or downgrading to known-good -- GIYF.
Newest CPU here is a Celeron and highest-end is an early Core i7-920 so I
have not seen the issues personally, but what you are describing sounds
very familiar, look back in this list's archives 2-3 months.

Also Sven mentioned nouveau which implies nVidia graphics hardware -- I
have been stable a long time (touch wood) but when Gnome 3 was a new thing
in Debian I used to have a lot of problems with both nouveau and the nVidia
proprietary driver, resulting in symptoms like the ones you are describing.
Patience and regular updates of the testing distro eventually fixed it. I
was stuck on Gnome Classic for a while as a result.

So if you eliminate processor microcode, or other firmware issues, then I'd
look next at your graphics hardware and your desktop environment. Contrary
to your instincts, mine are that this most likely _is_ a hardware issue of
some kind -- not necessarily that there is anything wrong with the hardware
per se, but maybe not fully supported or not configured correctly.


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