On 06.05.2016 13:45, Pierre Frenkiel wrote:
I have an HP Officejet Pro 6830, connected to my local ethernet network,
and the scanner works perfectly on my Jessie desktop. On my Jessie
laptop, it also used to work, but now it no more detected(printing
still works)
I tried
scanimage -L
and all fail to find it.
Curiously, it is still seen, and works, when using the Web interface.
I didn't learn anything useful with Google or other search engines.
Has anybody an idea?
best regards,
Hi, Pierre,
I'm not sure if it is applicable in your case, but may be some firmware
required or some config-file with proper way to it was recently
I have an old Epson Perfection 2480 Photo scanner and my usual way to
install/reinstall it is like such:
1. Installing:
xsane, libsane, libsane-extras (I'm not sure if the last one even needed)
2. Placing firmware file esfw41.bin in the folder:
If there is no snapscan directory in /usr/share/sane it should be created.
The firmware file comes from the same directory in the old installation
(or backup) or from the scanner's Soft CD.
For other scanners there are sites with newer/valid firmware to download.
3. Correcting conf-file for Snapscan /etc/sane.d/snapscan.conf :
the line
firmware /usr/share/sane/snapscan/your-firmwarefile.bin
should be changed to
firmware /usr/share/sane/snapscan/esfw41.bin
4. Testing if it works in XSane.
Best regards,
Dmitry Piyavkin