On Sun, 01 May 2016 17:42:33 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

> On 5/1/2016 2:15 PM, Juan R. de Silva wrote:
>> On Sun, 01 May 2016 07:44:22 -0500, John Hasler wrote:
>>> File a bug with Mozilla.
>> I would do it gladly if I only could reproduce it or at list give a
>> minimal lead of how and when it happened.
> I would suspect that a vague &/or malformed report is better than no
> report.
> Give as much detail of your environment as possible.
> I've been in multiple environments where the mantra was "If nobody tells
> us there is a problem, we can *NOT* solve it."
> Please note in the above 'quote' there is *absolutely NO* indication
> that the reporter has claimed *WHAT* the problem is. Only that *A*
> problem exists.
> P.S. I date from when 8085 was "latest & greatest";/

I'm in the process of investigating some idea here. You see, to describe 
the environment in such is quite difficult at times. There to many things 
that could be involved, at times things you do not think about at all.

Here what I have in mind now. Firefox on both of my machines was upgraded 
from v. 45 to v. 46 on Apr. 27. The problem showed up on Apr. 28.

My desktop has a 19" monitor with 1920:1080 resolution, while my laptop 
has a 4K LCD with 3840:2160 resolution. I sync my Firfox between 2 
machines with Unison. I have been doing it for years. Until the day the 
problem showed up on my laptop everything was fine. Both of my Firefoxes 
worked without any problem.

I start suspecting that with the update to Firefox 46 something that 
handles 4K screen fonts changed and thus the problem showed up. I'll try 
to figure it out by investigating my Unison .prf files. I'm not sure this 
is a right direction but at least some idea to play with. There is always 
a chance that some file was introduced by Mozilla, or an old one changed, 
which should be ignored, while syncing.

Boy, this would a tedious task to find such a beast.

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