On Mon, 17 Nov 2003 01:35:49 -0200, 
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 

> On Mon, 17 Nov 2003, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> > > > ..is any of these project juggler toys built as front end to a 
> > > > real database like postgresql?  
> > > 
> > > Better. A standard text file, true to unix tradition.  File the
> > > text file in a non-dumb way, and you can have full version
> > > control, etc. Write the scripts, and you can have it anywhere
> > > (including generated from a postgres DB, I suppose, but why?).
> > 
> > ..big projects like our platforms, with a few hundred people
> > reporting progress and resource expenditure, trying to get it all
> > right done just in time?  ;-)   Takes transaction lock control, just
> > like in the banks.
> You would need to write a script that does the queries, and builds the
> text file.  It can be done, but it is not pre-packaged :)   It would
> need to be run every time you need to update the reports, which may or
> may not be something acceptable.
> I guess the taskjuggler guys would be trilled to have you testing it
> against such a big project :-P  Because I don't think theirs are that
> big.  Mine certainly isn't.

..too late, those dinosaur projects are both history.   ;-)

> Taskjuggler is the project-magement backend, it would need suitable
> frontends, as you said.  The thing is, these frontends are not
> difficult to build... even if they WOULD take some effort).

..projects are built up from (or broken down into) those wee task blocks

such as "paint wall", which needs mobilizing supplying, demobilizing 
and admin'ing guys, paint, paint application gear, paint application
time, paint drying time, salary money, etc, to get that wall painted.  

..task blocks like these are aggregated into the totals, and can be
visualized in logical block diagrams with time, resource and task logic
constraints, much like computer code, "the wall must be built before
painting it", "the paint oughtta be dry and the smell gone before we
hang the window curtains", forget the name of these diagrams, but they
can also be combined with Gantt diagrams to show task timing slack and
the critical task "path".

> Now, if only taskjuggler upstream didn't use old SuSE crap... I
> foresee a lot of trouble for the DD who is packaging the thing. 

..old SuSE crap???  Urls?

> He will need to do quite a lot of fixing to get it to use proper
> up-to-date tools such as those in Debian sid :)

..if it _is_ crap, it should be shot down, we don't need crap in Debian.

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;-)
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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