On 04/16/2016 07:52 PM, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> >choice of inits as a standard option during installs on future
> >releases, but I very much doubt it.
> >
> >B
> >
I use Linux Mint on one of my machines. It is init based, not systemd,
and has Debian and Ubuntu as it's underpinnings. All of the familiar
things work great (apt, and all other packages I have used under
straight Debian). I think you might like that distribution as well.
You can check out their home page at https://www.linuxmint.com. I still
have Debian running on my server system (Jessie with systemd), but I
really like the Linux Mint system with init as well. I've never really
liked systemd, though I must admit it does work and do the job -- I just
like the simplicity of the init system better. Admittedly, I may well
be undereducated on systemd resulting in my prejudice.