Hi all,

I'm just getting into lxc, and, I guess like most, I'm also fairly new
to systemd.

I'm using the standard jessie template to create my containers, and
they come up working, but a little misconfigured - they only have tty1
- tty4, but try to start getty on tty5 and tty6 as well, giving me
repeated errors in my journal.

Has anyone else seen this, and know or have figured out exactly what
needs doing to fix it?

I don't really care whether I have 4 or 6 ttys; I've been working
towards enabling 5 and 6 rather than removing them, but efforts in
both directions have had varying results. I concede I haven't been
documenting my efforts carefully enough.

I've tried adding "lxc.tty = 6" to the container config.
I've run mknod to create the extra device files.
I've created links in /etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants to match
the first 4.
I've run "systemctl start getty@tty5.service" (and the same for 6).
/lib/systemd/system/getty-static.service appears to start 6 ttys already.

... and I'm still getting errors, now with extra "/dev/tty5: cannot
open as standard input: Input/output error"

I haven't got rsyslog support working yet, so I don't have logs from
previous boots, which would be nice, but that's a separate issue.

Any hints?


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