Hi EGO-II.1, i forward your message to the mailing list. (List: see below).
It seems necessary that you subscribe to the list in order to get the other replies to your question. At https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/ write your e-mail address into the "Subscribe/Unsubscribe" field and click the "Subscribe" button. If i remember correctly, you will get a mail with instructions how to complete your subscription. For the replies received so far, see the list of "Follow-Ups" links underneath your own first mail to the list: https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2016/04/msg00571.html As expected from your first mail, the problem is not about the ISO and the way it was put on medium. It happens much later, when GNU/Linux is already up and running. EGO-II.1 wrote: > Grub Installation Failed: The > GRUB-PC Package Failed To Install Into "/target". Aren't there any other messages about details of the failure ? Forwarded complete mail from EGO-II.1, who is obviously not subscribed yet: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings Mr. Schmitt! Thanks for the reply, ok so * - In being thorough with this process I've enlisted the help of a Lenovo T-420 laptop with an i5 processor 8GB of RAM and a 320 GB HDD. Just so that I can rule out the hardware part of this. - I insert the CD/DVD (have one of each and have tried them both!) - It boots up to the main menu with the options to: Live (AMD64) Live (AMD64 Failsafe) Install Graphical Install Advanced Options - I've tried every one of these and aside from the Advanced Options - which take you to another menu that offers: <Back Hardware Detection Tool (HDT) Memory Diagnostic Tool (MemTest86+) After selecting any of the "Install" options...it goes through its processes, giving you info as to what its doing (installing scsi-blah..blah..blah...unpacking/installing display adapter BC- etc) then it gets to actually installing the OS on my system. But not before telling me that: "Some of your hardware needs non-free firmware files to operate. The firmware can be loaded from removable media, such as a USB stick or floppy. The missing files are iwlwifi-6000g2a-6.ucode iwlwifi-6000g2a-5.uccode. I know this is for the wireless adapter/chip on this laptop, as I've installed Debian on other people's hard drives for them using this same laptop. So that can't be the reason why it keeps crashing. so...pressing "No" to move on with the install: It tries to detect my network and configure it, which will fail due to the missing firmware spoken about above. It warns me after not finding it, and offers the option to install/configure it later. Then it steps me through naming the host machine, the user, the passwords for the user and root. Configuring the clock/Date/TimeZone etc. Then comes the Disk Partitioner: At which I usually just use the "Guided-Use Entire Disk" option. I also make sure to specify that it separates files into "/home-/var and /tmp" partitions. (Makes for easy transfer of peoples items when something goes wrong with their machine) After stepping me through a few more screens. (Just asking if I'm REALLY SURE that I want to proceed, because this will wipe all data on this drive...etc. But its ok...its a blank drive!) It begins to install the system Menu Option: Install The System Configure The Package manager - Network Mirror - DO I wish to use one? (No) Install The GRUB Boot Loader On A Hard Disk - Grub Installation Failed: The GRUB-PC Package Failed To Install Into "/target". Without The GRUB Boot Loader, The Installed System Will Not Boot. This is where i get stopped and can't do much else. Sorry for the long extended email, but I wanted to let you see that I've done everything by the book, on two different machines and I'm still getting the same error. I guess I'll just see if I can get Scientific Linux or CEntOS to run. After all this is for the rack of servers for my job. I need reliable and safe not "flaky and un-solvable!" LoL! Thanks for your input!! I look forward to your comments... :) Cheers! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ End of forwarded mail. Let's hope the list will find the answer. Just feed it with as many technical details as you have. Have a nice day :) Thomas