On Tue 12 Apr 2016 at 10:28:54 (-0400), ken wrote:
> On 04/11/2016 09:31 PM, David Wright wrote:
> >On Mon 11 Apr 2016 at 19:02:45 (-0400), ken wrote:
> >>This is on Wheezy for a Raspberry Pi.
> >>
> >>Using dd, I copied the SD card for one (nicely working and
> >>configured) system onto another SD card.  I want to use this second
> >>card for another system, so need to change the hostname and (static)
> >>IP address.  Yesterday I grepped the whole system for one and then
> >>the other and where I found either, I made appropriate changes
> >>(i.e., previous hostname to new hostname, previous IP address to new
> >>IP address).  I also zeroed out all text-based files in /var/log/
> >>(e.g., >messages), just to start the new system with clean logs.
> >>
> >>Both the previous (still running) system and the new one (not yet
> >>running) are to be on the same LAN, so I'm pretty certain that no
> >>other networking configuration-- like broadcast or netmask-- needs
> >>to be touched (how could it need any?).
> >>
> >>Neither of these systems has any public-facing services currently running.
> >>
> >>My concerns are these:
> >>
> >>Only files which grep could find were amended. (Note that grep was
> >>run on the card when it was mounted on another system, not when the
> >>system on that card was booted and running.)  Is there a file of
> >>some kind, perhaps, which encodes either the hostname and/or IP
> >>address in such a way that would hide it/them from grep?
> >If you regenerate ssh keys, your .ssh/known_hosts files will have
> >hostnames and IP numbers you might want to remove. They're encrypted.
> >You could blank them like the log files.
> >
> >The key pairs themselves only have visible hostnames in the public
> >part's file.
> Ah, yes!  Thanks.  Some brain cells knew that, but were sleeping.
> But actually I want to keep that ~/.ssh/known_hosts so I can ssh
> from this new RPi to the other machines on my LAN without having to
> reconfigure all that ssh stuff... one of the several time-saving
> reasons I'm (quasi-)duplicating the SD card.
> But you bring up a very good point: I don't want the new system to
> have the same /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*key* files that the previous system
> has.  Though it might work okay, still I think the sshd host keys
> are meant to be unique across all LAN'd systems (ideally unique in
> the universe).  So I think I need to do "rm etc/ssh/ssh_host_*key*"
> so that sshd knows they're gone; in the past IIRC these host keys
> were automatically created, probably done in the sshd script under
> init.d;  I hope that it's the same under the new-fangled systemd
> code.

After removing the old (duplicate) keys, just do
# ssh-keygen -A
to generate a new set. Then restart the ssh server with
# /etc/init.d/ssh restart
so it reads and uses the new keys.

> >>Since people are supposed to be able (I think, never done) to take
> >>an SD out of one RPi and put and boot it in another RPi (with the
> >>same hardware), I didn't make any attempt to find and change any
> >>hardware designations, like the MAC address of the NIC.  Is that
> >>okay?
> >>
> >>Your router may know IP#/MAC combinations for dhcp.
> I'm not using dhcpd on the router, so that won't affect me. But for
> those who do, if you can do "arp -a" on your router, that will show
> which MAC addresses are cached; "arp -d address" will delete that
> address's entry in the arp table, allowing/obligating the system to
> generate a/the new entry.

I wasn't meaning MACs _cached_ in the router, but MACs _configured_
there, so that its dhcp server gives the correct (fixed) IP# to each
host according to its MAC. Thus my laptop's IP# was 10.x.x.x this
morning at the airport (issued by their dhcp server) but it switched
to the same old 192.168.1.y when I got home because it has an address
reserved for it.

(That's for others' benefit.)


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