On Tuesday 29 March 2016 21:08:19 Alan McConnell wrote:
> Long before I joined this List, I purchased a DVD and a thumb device from
> LinuxCollections.  The DVD contained the first Jessie DVD, and, I'm
> guessing, the thumb device contained the rest.
> I kept the same partitions that I had had on my old squeezy install.
> the first was /boot, the fifth was /, the sixth was /usr, the seventh
> was /var, the eighth was swap, the ninth was /tmp and the tenth was
> /home.  The sizes I kept from  squeezy; all were overly generous(my HD
> is one TB.)
> I reformatted them all with ext4 at first, then later with
> ext3, which what my old system had.  [  Sorry for the vague terminology,
> I'm writing this on a loaner Windoze box many yards away from my
> own machine and documentation. ]
> The _many_ install attempts crashed at random points but after a while
> they congregated when I tried to choose a kernel.  After choosing a kernel
> one must then choose the associated drivers.  This crashed almost
> inevitably, although once I got through to stage where I received a black
> screen with the white text prompt 'grub>'.  This was before the kernel was
> booted, and I have no clue how to use this, even if I once again get this
> far.
> I have tried choosing 'none' for a kernel.  But then one must choose an
> installer.  I've tried choosing grub, even tried using the ancient LILO.
> All produce red screens, indicating failures of one kind or other.
> I have discovered the informative 'tty4' where the progress of the
> installation is more copiously displayed.
> And now I'm meandering, for I don't know what further information to give,
> that will help the members here to make further suggestions.  But I shall
> be grateful for any help I receive.

No help - but "Join the club".  Been there, done that, got the tee shirt.  
Mine was a new computer and, after over a day of tearing my hair out, trying 
again, trying differently,and re-downloading etc. etc., I installed Ubuntu 
MATE (how are the mighty fallen!!),  just to make sure that something would 
install.  It did.  I am about to try a few more methods of getting Jessie on.  
But I want a night's sleep first!  (This is a companion saga to the one I 
have already reported, not the same one).  It is not helped by the fact that 
check sums are not available for the 8.02 or 8.03 firmware net-install isos.  
And 8.0.0 (for which I have got the check sums) has not got the necessary 

I have been installing Debian for years on a good many different computers of 
different ages.  I have NEVER had problems like this.  I expect a basic 
Debian installation to take half an hour, not days.

One of the tech help chaps, at the shop from which I bought the computer, 
suggested forgetting about gpt and sticking with Legacy, and looking at the 
Windows settings in the BIOS, which he though might be interfering.  As I 
said, I am going to have a night's sleep first.  I didn't get much last night 
because I was battling with this.   FWIW, Ubuntu insisted on installing with 
Legacy partitions, not gpt.

I had not got the motherboard manual and did not know what the motherboard 
was, so couldn't download the manual.  I have now asked the shop what it is, 
and downloaded the manual.


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