On Fri 18 Mar 2016 at 14:41:04 +0200, Jarle Aase wrote:

> Den 10. mars 2016 21:01, skrev Brian:
> >Did you go through all this to set up scanning on the device? Of course
> >you didn't. So why not do the same with printing and not make a song and a
> >dance about it.
> Scanning was simple, as the device use standard protocols. Currently I scan
> to a FTP server on my PC. I trust the FTP server because I wrote it :)

Thank you for that response. It helps to clarify the situation.

Have you considered acting on the advice in points 3. and 4. of


Unless someone comes up with another technique to avoid using a
proprietary driver it seems to me the only way for you print with
that printer.

(You can forget about points 1. and 2.).

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