On Tue, 15 Mar 2016 15:06:55 -0400
doug <dmcgarr...@optonline.net> wrote:

> >
> >  
> It's too bad that the original Borland Pascal is not around anymore.
> Or even the later version of BASIC with the case statement. Simple
> and even a doppus like me could write with one of them!

I first came to Pascal after a couple of years of BBC Basic, and I
couldn't see what the fuss was about. Pascal didn't seem to be any
great advance, though I suppose it was much more useful than the
Applesoft I learned on.

I believe Delphi still exists, though I don't think there's a
hobbyist-level price these days. I used to dabble with Delphi 3, and
I released a couple of visual components, but I haven't had need of
something like that for some years.

There is a free clone called Lazarus, based on Free Pascal, which is
probably far more advanced than Delphi 3. You can ignore most of the
object stuff and just write straight Pascal. You could write Windows
system DLLs in Delphi.

p.s. There's a GPL BBC Basic V interpreter:


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