> On Feb 23, 2016, at 1:45 AM, Reco <recovery...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'd start with rkhunter check first. Just to be sure.

    Checking for enabled inetd services                      [ Warning ]

That's AmandaClient, the backup software.

    Checking if SSH root access is allowed                   [ Warning ]

It is, But only with a key. And this is the master DNS server. It's on the DMZ, 
behind a hardened Cisco router and a Cisco PIX firewall. It's allowed out, but 
no-one is allowed in unless the server asks first and somebody's replying to 
the servers request, from the same IP the server sent the query to. I doubt 
anybody got into it from the 'Net. I get into it with SSH, from the LAN, to 
check on it.

    /usr/bin/unhide.rb                                       [ Warning ]

I have no explanation for that one. But:

root@log:~# /usr/bin/unhide.rb
Scanning for hidden processes...
No hidden processes found!

> In situation like this it would be an overkill, but I'd also checked OS
> installation with debsums from LiveCD,

I didn't do that because it'd be lots of trouble, and I don't have a live CD 
(I'd have to download one). And the (Wheezy) kernel has been updated many 
times, so I doubt it'd match the live CD anyway.

> the existence of /etc/ld.so.preload,

root@log:~# ls -a /etc/ | egrep -ir ld.so.preload


> and /etc/rc.local.

root@log:~# ls -a /etc/ | egrep -ir rc.local
.cache/mozilla/firefox/n6glp0sg.default/Cache/5/98/17F03d01:<td ><label 
for="idx_48"><a class='ui_link' 
.cache/mozilla/firefox/n6glp0sg.default/Cache/5/98/17F03d01:<td ><label 
for="idx_48">Run /etc/rc.local if it exist</label></td>

Cause for concern? As suggested in the last line, I ran /etc/rc.local -- there 
was no output.

Glenn English

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