On Mon, 22 Feb 2016, Sven Arvidsson wrote:

From what I can tell from Google, avidemux comes in both GTK+ (2.x?)
and Qt flavours. If you got it from deb-multimedia it's probably qt4,
so you'll probably need to figure out how to set the fonts with
something like qt4-qtconfig?

  Hi Sven,
  I never use deb-multimedia, as it is strongly disadvised by the
  debian team. I took it from http://www.fosshub.com/Avidemux.html/
  and installed the qt4 flavour.
  You were perfectly right: the problem was easily solved with
  qtconfig-qt4. The font settings was "sans serif/9" for all
  users but me, and "sans serif/14" for me.
  I have no idea where this setting comes from (I swear it's not me!)
  May-be a side effect of an other program...
  Changing it to "arial/12" fixed the avidemux issue.

At least that's my be best guess, I always reserve the right to be
totally and utterly wrong ;)

  Actually, you were totally and utterly right!
  Thanks  a lot for your useful help.

Pierre Frenkiel

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