Bug report submitted.

Thank you Reco.

2016-02-20 11:42 GMT-05:00 Reco <recovery...@gmail.com>:

>         Hi.
> On Sat, 20 Feb 2016 11:17:27 -0500
> Pierre Thibault <pierre.thibault1....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am on Debian stable AMD 64 8.3. I had a problem using my bluetooth
> > headset. I was able to pair the headset successfully but the headset was
> > disconnecting instantly each time I was trying to connect it.
> >
> > I found that installing the package pulseaudio-module-bluetooth was
> solving
> > this problem.
> >
> > I would like to report this as a bug. Could you help me doing so
> properly?
> I suggest you to file a bug against bluez package, reasons being:
> 1) Back in squeeze bluez depended on bluez-audio package (it was a weak
> dependency, "Suggests"). Said "bluez-audio" package played the same
> role as today's pulseaudio-module-bluetooth, i.e. - provided sound over
> Bluetooth connection.
> 2) pulseaudio-module-bluetooth is the only Debian package which provides
> aforementioned functionality.
> 3) Judging by "apt-cache rdepends" result, about the only package that
> can bring pulseaudio-module-bluetooth into one's system is bluedevil,
> KDE frontend to pulseaudio. And current "favorite" Debian Desktop
> Environment is GNOME.
> Suggested resolution of such bug report should be (IMO of course)
> addition of pulseaudio-module-bluetooth to Suggests field of bluez, as
> playing sound over Bluetooth is not the only use case of Bluetooth.
> Reco

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