Am 28.01.2016 um 06:28 schrieb Juan R. de Silva:
> I have a fresh install of Jessie GNOME 64 bit since the release date. 
> I've never had a single notification of any available system update. So, 
> as a daily routine I run 'apt-get update' and 'apt-upgrade'.
> Google suggests that this bug was resolved in Jessie. However, even after 
> updating to Jessie 8.3 recently, I still do not have any notifications.
> When (just out of curiosity) I run GNOME Package Updater (or whatever it 
> is called) it reports "All packages up to date" but running apt-get right 
> after brings new updates, as it was today.
> I tried all suggestions found on Google, like using 'dconf-editor' to 
> tweak the 'Shell update plugin' settings, etc., but without any results.
> I do not care about GNOME Package Updater and other GUI things, since I 
> still prefer CLI. However, notifications would be nice to have as a 
> reminder.
> Anyone to suggest something helpful?

Do you have gnome-software and packagekit installed? With those, upgrade
notficiations should work.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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