On 1/26/16, John Hasler <jhas...@newsguy.com> wrote:
> I wrote:
>> You do not need dist-upgrade in Stable.  The only changes to Stable are
>> new versions of packages already in it.
> Brian writes:
>> You are not expecting a Jessie-and a-half, then?
>> https://www.debian.org/News/2008/20080726
>    Installation of these additional packages is not required and will
>    not occur by default. This update represents no change to the support
>    of previously available packages.
> Thus no need for dist-upgrade on a running system.  The changes were to
> support *new* installations on *new* hardware that might require the new
> drivers.
> Had you acquired new peripherals that required the new kernel you would
> have simply installed the new kernel just as you would any other package
> that you deleloped a need for.  Still no reason for dist-upgrade.
> Dist-upgrade exists to deal with things like complex GNOME transitions,
> new packages replacing old ones, new major versions of libraries, etc.
> None of this ever happens in Stable.
> --
> John Hasler
> jhas...@newsguy.com
> Elmwood, WI USA

After carefully considering the warm, supportive, heartfelt posts of
support and encouragement in this and the other thread, I decided that
maybe testing isn't for me.

So I upgraded to unstable.

Let the breakage begin!

Uptime: 1:53 . . .  and no breakage yet. Jealous?  :-)

-- said the Gmail user.

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