On Tuesday 26 January 2016 10:08:35 Chris Bannister wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 11:58:16AM +0100, Martin Hanson wrote:
> > Please upgrade your kernel before or while upgrading udev.
> >
> > AT YOUR OWN RISK, you can force the installation of this version of udev
> > AT THE NEXT REBOOT by creating the /etc/udev/kernel-upgrade file.
> I read this as force the installation of udev (man dpkg search for
> force) so, trying to decipher 'dpkg --force-help' I get

No, Chris, surely not.  I read it as meaning what it says:

"Please upgrade your kernel before or while upgrading udev"

I.e. upgrade the kernel first or at least install both so that at no time does 
the system have to cope with that udev without the newer kernel.

That does of course beg the question of why it needs to ask you to do it, but 
perhaps the old kernel is held or something.


> dpkg --force-breaks -i udev*deb then IMMEDIATEDLY try installing the
> kernel again. Do not reboot until everything is installed without error.
> If you get error messages about the syntax, then google or ask here,
> I've had trouble myself when doing this. But, I've only needed to do
> this maybe once or twice from memory.
> Note the message, 'AT YOUR OWN RISK'
> I don't know what it means by 'creating the /etc/udev/kernel-upgrade
> file.' I'd check to see it it exists prior then after. I'd remove it if
> the latter, e.g. I haven't got one in my system.
> All this makes me wonder, how did you get into this "situation" in the
> first place?
> > There is always a safer way to upgrade, do not try this unless you
> > understand what you are doing!
> I guess this is meaning via normal use of a package manager.

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