I think I cloud is very good. Starting at $5.00 a month.

On Mon, 2016-01-25 at 01:16 -0800, J Mo wrote:
> Hello everyone
> I am looking for a new low-end VPS provider in the USA. Does anyone
> have any recommendations?
> I am dumping one of my old providers soon. It took them 6+ months to
> support Debian 8 and they just don't seem to care about supporting
> Debian in general.
> I don't have a preference regarding Xen, KVM, or OpenVZ.
> These are tiny low-end VPSes like they advertise at lowendbox.com.
> Unfortunately, this type of hosting tends to attract scammers,
> carders, and lots of trouble for the VPS providers. The result is that
> the industry has a lot of churn and providers come and go pretty
> quick, sometimes taking your VPS down and going dark without any
> notice. It's hard to find a good cheap low-end provider who won't
> disappear overnight or overload their boxes excessively.
> My primary concern is reliability, then cost.
> Any recommendations from fellow Debian admins would be appreciated.
> Thank you in advance

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