>>>>> "GH" == Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> writes:

GH> So I downloaded the vivaldi-beta deb, and tried to use apt-get to 
GH> install, but that spit out several dozen pages of E: lines and didn't.

To install a downloaded deb, try:  dpkg --install file.deb

GH> Comments please, and what browser are you all using that doesn't hassle 
GH> the user to death, it Just Works, like firefox did 3 years ago.

You can always install firefox (or seamonkey) from the upstream tar:


(Seamonkey is the continuation of the original mozilla UI.)

James Cloos <cl...@jhcloos.com>         OpenPGP: 0x997A9F17ED7DAEA6

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