Hello, I am using Debian 8 Jessie and I am sick of the new way Nautilus searches for files. To be on the same page I will explain the new and the old behavior:
the old behavior: In Debian 7 (Wheezy) when you start typing on the keyboard Nautilus selects the file/directory which name matches what you are typing. It was blazing fast to go through my file system (provided that I need a GUI). In Debian 8 (Jessie) when you start typing on the keyboard, new text box appears on the top and Nautilus performs "Search" and it is searching for files and directories which name starts (or includes - I don't know) with what you are typing in all sub-directories. I just hate this so much. Who the hell would want to search for a file in all sub-directories this way? Even the most stupid operating system ever created (read Windows) gets this right. But no... Nautilus should innovate - go to hell new Nautilus. Point the guy who made this change - he deserves to use Windows for the rest of his life! It is so much more convenient to just hit CTRL+F to start this stupid search and just use the old behavior of Nautilus when you start typing. Instead of this, now I have to press CTRL+S to go to select mode and then type in the name of the file/dir that I want to select... WTF!?! Then what - I go one level deeper and I again press CTRL+S to do the same thing - that's just crazy. I tried to restore the old behavior of Nautilus unsuccessfully with this: gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences enable-interactive-search true gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences enable-interactive-search false Both of these command return "No such key ...". I remember that I tried several other stupid things in order to get the old behavior but no success. I am using awesome wm not gnome. Please restore this behavior for the new Debian release. I am sure lots of people feel like me. Sorry for the rant but this is driving me crazy - I don't see the point of this change. It makes me a thousand times slower. Thanks, Vladimir