On Friday 15 January 2016 00:06:51 Anders Andersson wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 12:37 AM, Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> 
> > Since the gEDA kit in the repo's seems to be rather broken, I
> > thought I'd give eagle another chance
> While I had no problems using Eagle on 64-bit Debian, I did not like
> running closed software. A couple of months ago I switched to KiCad,
> and I do not regret it. Some things are not as polished, but some
> things are much better. There are things that are pretty bad, but a
> huge benefit is that all developers acknowledge this, and are actively
> working on improving whatever is bad, instead of the common "no, we
> like it the way it is" mindset. Not to mention that CERN is devoting
> resources to it.
> The package available in Debian 8 is somewhat old because they just
> recently released a new stable version after many years of
> development. Personally I build it from the "bleeding edge" sources.
> The website is http://kicad-pcb.org/ and instructions for downloading
> and building should be available on the website.

Thats great news. I may see about doing that after I get back from a 
sawbones appointment tomorrow.

The issued version for wheezy just doesn't have it, too small a parts 
library but I do think the promise is there with sufficient TLC.

I threw this 6 part schematic together in repo version of gschem tonight, 
but when I went to process it for pcb processing, it turned out that 4 
of the 6 parts from the part library I used, had no footprint data, and 
I've not grokked how to add those attributes to the .sch file yet.  Info 
seems hard to come by, so I've subbed to their list in hopes I can make 
sense of the problem and state it clearly enough to elicit some 
help/advice on how to do that.


Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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