
> On my Stretch system updating ifupdown conflicts with systemd.
> I removed ifupdown.
> I got network problems (no loopback) so I wanted to reinstall ifupdown,
> with no luck.

In my case, aptitude suggested removing ifupdown and replacing
it by ifupdown2 ('ifupdown rewritten in Python').
I did it, and lost networking after reboot (no loopback, no eth0).
However, 'ifup -a' started both lo and eth0.
(I have static IP defined for eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces, and 
don't use network manager)

I'm curious if other people also experience such problems?
If yes, I'd like to file the bug, but at the moment I don't know if the 
problem is with ifupdown2 or systemd.

> I tried to remove systemd and did not fully succeed, now I get no
> login after a reboot.
> Booting in safe mode does not give me a login prompt either.
> I guess I have to reinstall my system, this time it will be the stable
> branch.

Sorry to hear this, I guess reinstall will be the quickest option.
I'm not quite sure if booting from CD or USB and trying to fix your system by 
reinstalling removed packages would be easier, or possible at all, never tried 


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