On 10/01/16 07:15 PM, Steve Matzura wrote:
After solving all my mount problems and changing from dynamic to
static addressing by editing /etc/network/interfaces, I reboot the
system and was greeted with:
Welcome to emergency mode. "systemctl default", "systemctl reboot" to
try again, or press Control-D to continue:
That's a mild paraphrase, as I can't ssh in so I can't clip from the
I entered the system's root password and got a root prompt, just spent
three hours Googling a solution, didn't find any I could either make
sense of or use, and am now asking here.
If it's easier to re-install, that's quite all right, as I haven't
done anything on the system I can't redo quickly and easily. If a I
re-install, should I use the updated DVD disk 1 instead of the
original one?
This is being made all the harder because for some reason the audio
level of the main system audio output has dropped by 20dB after the
reboot, and amixer says everything's up full.
What messages are you seeing in dmesg or syslog (or the new SystemD
versions)? What do you see on the screen before you get the emergency
mode messages?
There are lots of things that can go wrong, but if you had been booting
normally, it's likely something you've done since the initial install.
No real need to download and burn another image. The installer can get
updated packages from the net automatically. It's only if you were
having installer problems that I'd download a new imag.