On Sun, 3 Jan 2016 10:02:59 -0500
Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> wrote:

>Greetings all;
>Trying to find a web browser that actually works here.  iceweasel has 
>been so emasculated that it asks about flash everytime, bringing up a 
>requester that has a button labeled "allow and remember", but it doesn't 
>remember, you have to do it for every flash presented.  Half of the time 
>you click on it, the site has timed out, so you hit reload hoping you 
>can click the ok quick enough to make it work THIS time. Usually it 
>doesn't, so you never get to read or see that story.
>And some news sites stories links are totally ignored, and some get 
>a "request entity to large" whatever the heck that is.
>So I installed googles chromium, but it crashes and you have to use the 
>reload button, hundreds of times a day.
>Konqueror is as emasculated as iceweasel.
>So I downloaded the vivaldi-beta deb, and tried to use apt-get to 
>install, but that spit out several dozen pages of E: lines and didn't.
>So I stepped into the deb with mc, and copied its contents to the 
>directories it would have been put in, even ran the postinst thing.
>Didn't run from a cli.
>Poking around in the installed stuff, I find an invalid link 
>in /opt/vivaldi-beta/libwidevinecdm.so to /opt/google/libwidevinecdm.so, 
>on checking that I find I don't have it, as the google stuff in /opt is, 
>and I quote "/opt/google/fucked-google" which is an empty directory!
>Does anyone have a clue what that is all about?  googles idea of an 
>easter egg that disappears if you register chromium which I assume turns 
>it into chrome?
>Comments please, and what browser are you all using that doesn't hassle 
>the user to death, it Just Works, like firefox did 3 years ago.
>Thanks all;
>Cheers, Gene Heskett

Best thing I have found is a fork of firefox called Pale Moon. It uses
some of the plugins and extensions from firefox, but around version 25.
I installed it over a month ago, and have not had a crash since then.


Charlie Kravetz
Linux Registered User Number 425914
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.   [http://keepingdreams.com]

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