On Tue 29 Dec 2015 at 20:55:45 +0100, Hans wrote:

> Hi Brian, Felix and Charlie,
> > Persistant name generation is enabled by default since udev 220-7 and
> > will be used on new installations or with new hardware. Existing
> > installations and hardware which get upgraded to udev 220-7 are covered
> > by the old 75-persistent-net-generator.rules and will keep their
> > interface names
> thanks for the fast response. However, it does not explain, why both machines 
> are different.
> Both machines were installed by DVD and both got the same settings and 
> package 
> versions. Both machines were installed by the same DVD and then of course 
> upgraded by the internet. And both are running debian/testing. 

Both machines started life with Jessie. Both were upgraded to Stretchh
My understanding is that on package upgrade *both* systems should have
kept the interface name they had under Jessie. One machine doesn't; I
have no explanation for that.

> The only thing, which IMO would explain it, that the EEEPC is newer than the 
> other one. But then the hardware must talk to the operation system and give 
> more information to udev or systemd. Does this do such things? There was 
> something mentioned in the doku, but I did not quite understand, what the 
> doku 
> meant.

There is a README.Debian for udev which explains how the persistant name
generator works. It might help to track down the cause.

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