On 11/03/2015 01:28 AM, David Christensen wrote:
On 11/02/2015 07:49 PM, ken wrote:
I'm considering getting a Dell Precision M3800 Mobile Workstation, would
want to install my own mSATA SSD in it.  Does anyone here have one of
these machines?  If so, is an SSD a user-installable component?  And if
so again, how much needs to be taken apart?

Download the service manual from Dell.  It should provide instructions
for replacing the drive(s) -- HDD/ SSD, "mobility", etc..  It's nice to
pick a model that you can get to the drive(s) by removing some screws
and sliding a carrier out, rather than having to take off the bottom
cover, etc..


John and David,

Thanks for replying. Yes, I had a look at that Dell Service Manual before posting. Judging from that manual, it looks simple enough. But then my experience with service manuals of all kinds has shown me that they often leave out or gloss over steps, which is why I was hoping to get a response from someone who's actually done this. The other issue regards the warranty: That service manual says only that replacing or installing some parts may void the warranty; it doesn't get any more specific than that. So that was the other thing I was hoping to hear first-hand experience about. And too, sometimes screws are painted with some kind of colored faux-glue, not locktite, to tell any authorized service person that that screw has been tampered with, voiding the warranty. Again, not something a service manual would warn about.

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