On Tue, 2015-10-27 at 14:30 +0100, Peter Ludikovsky wrote:
> Hello,
> I've looked into that issue a bit futher, and as far as I can test
> within the confines of a VM I can say that
> 1) I can still access the TTYs and
> 2) the OOM killer removes the offending process as soon as both RAM
> and Swap is full. Since your Swap is rather large it takes a long
> time
> to fill up, during which time the system constantly has to swap in
> and
> out programs you might be using.

Very interesting. I retried loading the page in Epiphany and noticed
this in the terminal:

 radeon: mmap failed, errno: 12

Trying to get a backtrace with gdb resulted in an X crash, so that page
is doing something WebKit or Epiphany doesn't like at all.

I filed a bug here, to start with:


Only tried 3.16.3 so far, would be interesting to know how it works
with 3.14 and 3.18, and other browsers using WebKit.

Sven Arvidsson

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