Brian wrote:
>  On Sat 17 Oct 2015 at 13:29:48 +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
> > We might also consider bumping the prio of libpam-systemd to standard,
> > as Ansgar suggested. That means, it would be installed by default,
> > unless you explicitly deselect the standard task in d-i.
>      [priority] standard
>      These packages provide a reasonably small but not too limited
>      *character-mode* system.
>  Unless I am misunderstanding something, libpam-systemd has a focus on
>  non-character-mode systems.

Maybe. Though this thread shows that libpam-systemd solves at least one common
use case on character-mode only systems too.

The installed size of libpam-systemd plus dbus is 1.2 MB. Is that too much for
priority standard?

Fredrik Jonson

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