Brian wrote:
On Thu 10 Sep 2015 at 08:06:36 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
Using dd I have copied physical [NO INTERNET AVAILABLE ;] Debian DVD's to
/media/distributionA resulting in
Extract pool directory (and all of its sub-directories) resulting in
What commands should I be looking at?
I'd use mc (midnight commander) for that. Open ISO, tag files and copy.
It saves having to think about commands. :)
I explicitly tried to eliminate GUI and GUI-like responses by
subject line.
I did however browse the man page. It might work.
Besides I like to think - that's why I dumped the Windows
approach of BIG DADDY knows best ;!
I'd also dispense with the dd part and just mount the media somewhere.
VIOLATES 1st line of "Environment". Please note verb tense.