Even so, there are other Linux distros that still support traditional UNIX
init. Slackware comes to mind, though it does not use the traditional
System V startup script mechanism, but apparently one based on old
fashioned BSD, and I would be surprised if Slackware and its derivatives
were the only currently maintained examples.
In any case, the source code is freely available, allowing anyone(s) with
the time and know-how to abolish SystemD and put SysVInit back in place.
The old engineering maxim of "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch"
still holds; it takes work to go against the grain, as I'm sure nearly all
Linux users are aware.
Personally, while I think the tools available for configuring SystemD
leave much to be desired (no, I'm not volunteering to write better ones;
my job keeps me plenty busy as it is), and I think SysVInit scripts are
a lot more readable than SystemD files; I am slowly coming to grips with
SystemD and I'm sure I will be come more proficient with it as time goes
on (but systemadm in its present form is still almost useless; systemctl
is much better).
John L. Ries |
Salford Systems |
Phone: (619)543-8880 x107 |
or (435)867-8885 |
On Sat, 5 Sep 2015, Doug wrote:
On 09/05/2015 09:40 PM, Glenn English wrote:
On Sep 5, 2015, at 6:23 PM, Erik Lauritsen <eriklaurit...@yandex.com> wrote:
I have been a Debian user for more than 15 years, when the "war" about systemd
broke out I mostly ignored it, I just removed systemd from my systems because I don't
like the implementation.
Today I was setting up a new Debian system and wanted to remove systemd only to find our
that the old tools "bsdutils" has been made dependent upon libsystemd0
"This package contains the bare minimum of BSD utilities needed for a Debian system:
logger, renice, script, scriptreplay, and wall. The remaining standard BSD utilities are
provided by bsdmainutils."
What the freaking !#¤"#¤"¤#"#%" are people doing!?
Why the hell has this collections of utilities from FreeBSD been made dependent
upon libsystemd0!?!?!?
Freedom of choice my ass!
Lotsa freedom. One of my boxes is doing a major install of FreeBSD as we speak,
so I can see if I can live with it. So far it seems a lot like Debian, except
for iptables, the way their equivalent of /etc/init.d is done, and the funny
names they call things in /dev...
The last time I looked--about 6 months ago--FreeBSD requires a file
system that is not compatible with Linux or Windows; nothing can
communicate with it. Has that changed? Or is there a way to install
FreeBSD on an ext4 or NTFS file system, or some other fs that
Linux can read? I'd like to try it out, but not at the expense of having
a disk that nothing else can read, including GParted.