On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 23:18:56 -0700,
Bob Proulx wrote:
> csj wrote:
> > Is there a way to write portable shell scripts.  In
> > particular, I've problems with built-ins setenv (tcsh) and
> > export (bash).  How do I define variables in tcsh and have
> > them usable in bash too?
> Your best option is "#!/bin/sh" at the top of all of your
> scripts.  Then you will always have a consistent syntax.  By
> your posting it sounds to me like you have not been putting a
> #! line in your scripts and have been taking "post-luck" over
> whatever shell the user is running at the moment.  That will
> cause you no end of grief.

I tend to write scripts which are tcsh-compatible.  So
"#!/bin/tcsh".  But its somewhat a waste of effort to write one
set of scripts for bash and another for tcsh.  My main problem is
handling the variables.  Is there a shell-portable way to specify
variables?  I write mostly convenience scripts that are generally
less than a console screen in length.

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