On Sun, 30 Aug 2015 04:25:36 +0200
Sven Hartge <s...@svenhartge.de> wrote:

> bri...@aracnet.com wrote:
> > it almost looks like something is timing out, and yet the system works
> > fine, so whatever it is that the process is waiting on it doesn't seem
> > to matter.
> > i have a bad feeling it's the dreade ethernet firmware loading thing
> > (just a guess) since that's the message that comes up immediately
> > after the wait finishes.
> > There's no way anyone can help until i can get a trace of what's going
> > on at boot.
> Jessie or newer? With systemd?
> systemd-analyze blame

         29.597s networking.service
          3.256s systemd-suspend.service

aha.  So I need to dig deeper into networking.service

i've been playing around with systemd-analyze but i can't seem to figure out 
how to resolve what i'm sure must be the pieces living inside 


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