On Tue, 2003-11-11 at 22:44, Erik Steffl wrote:
>    just tried dual monitors with two card (geForce FX 5600 Ultra, nvidia 
> drivers and ATI Radeon 9800, ati drivers), debian unstable, X 4.2.1:
>    one monitor: openGL works fullscreen or windowed
>    two monitors: openGL works in window, not fullscreen
>    tested with xscreensaver hacks
>    considering that these are two fairly different implementations of 
> openGL (I think, they both provide openGL libs and their own way to set 
> up two monitors) - is there something that I should set up to be able to 
> run fullscreen openGL apps fullscreen? or is some way to set up dual 
> monitors better than other when using fullscreen openGL apps?

Not sure what your exact setup is, but using a GeForce 4 Ti 4400 with 2
19" monitors and the Nvidia drivers I was able to play Quake III
fullscreen across both monitors.

(Well, "able to play" being a relative term. It was damned near
impossible to aim as the crosshair was split between the two monitors,
with 4 inches of dead space between the adjoining edges of the screens.

Alex Malinovich
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