On 08/28/2015 04:45 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
On Friday 28 August 2015 16:16:11 Renaud OLGIATI wrote:
Systemd-Linux to get rid of su:
Is this a trend to make _all_ the GNU-Linux tools disappear, and have
_everything_ incorporated into systemd ?
How come that Lennart Poettering is so powerful/important? "He's just this
But he says something will/must happen, and we all jump to. :-?
He isn't, Lisi. =)
If I might offer an opinion at the risk of feeding the trolls, some
people just
have a bad reaction to systemd in general, claiming that it is "absorbing"
everything in sight. This is not entirely inaccurate, but it is
certainly not
true either. Reality is, as always, somewhere in the middle. People have
made many claims about systemd's "monolithic design" that I find rather
when they have no problem with the Linux kernel for using the same
linking binary modules. They had to find someone to blame for the "systemd
problem", so they selected Lennart Poettering because he is the one of the
team who helped create systemd. He is also a most vocal critic of
UNIX, which makes him the easiest target.
The reality of the situation is that "su" is part of the POSIX standard,
period. The POSIX standard keeps the various UNIXs: Linux, FreeBSD, etc
compatible enough to share code. No matter what Mr. Poettering thinks or
does, or even if systemd offers an alternative - "su" is not going
That is the reason that "su" is installed on Debian by default, even if you
use "sudo."