Quoting Rodolfo Medina (rodolfo.med...@gmail.com):

> Sorry!  I wrote Shift-Backspace but I meant Shift-Tab.
> Thanks.  I appended that code to /etc/console-setup/remap.inc, then ran
>  # dpkg-reconfigure console-setup ; dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
> , but the problem remained.  In Xterm, with Ctrl-left-arrow and
> Ctrl-right-arrow I jump from word to word, and with Shift-Tab I go one tab
> back.  I want to do the same in VC, outside X, but they don't work.

Do you have the matching instructions in .inputrc?

# Ctrl-Right arrow
"\e[1;5C": forward-word
# Ctrl-Left arrow
"\e[1;5D": backward-word

I didn't mention that because, in my case, I'd had those strings in
there for a while but they never worked from VCs until Thomas
accidentally typed Alt-Space and pointed me in the right direction.

Naturally you have to check your escape-strings correspond to mine, or
modify them accordingly. Prefixing ^V is your friend for this. Also it
might be worth making a simple temporary change that's obvious (make a
rarely-used unshifted key say "hello") to check that the rest of the
changes are error-free. As I said, small errors make it silently ignored.


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