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> Am 28.08.2015 um 03:20 schrieb Benjamin ronell <awsomebenja...@gmail.com>:=

> Im totally able to upload and edit games and able to play them. I started m=
y chaneel a few days ago and i seem to be pretty good already, I have 16 vie=
ws on my first vid and it builds up from there. I'm trying to get debian and=
 linux to get more users by showing off games, tutorials and other things pe=
ople would like (this isitn what im emailing about but if anyone in debian w=
ants to help me out i could really use some channel art thanks) My youtube n=
ame is Betterthan You and please do check me out. Im mostely emailing cause i=
 need some good linux games that are mostly package games that i can get. I r=
un Debian Testing so could you please help me find games to play? I already l=
ooked through the websites but im not sure i combed over everything. My fath=
er is a big supporter of linux and donates every year . His name is Marc Ron=
ell and hopefully you will know him. PLease do help me find games to play. T=
hanks for the help! Bye!

Native or wine/playonlinux?

Native i just played
-Metro * Redux
-Bioshock Infinite
-The Talos Principle

And a few older ones
-Half-Life 1, 2, - Addons
-Portal 1, 2, Garry's Mod, Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead 2
- Penumbra Series
And many many many more. Steam has many.


Michael Beck=

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