Am Donnerstag, 27. August 2015, 01:39:32 schrieb Ric Moore:
> On 08/26/2015 08:03 PM, David Wright wrote:
> > Quoting Ric Moore (
> >> not those of us who ~willingly~ subject ourselves to
> >> breakages.
> > 
> > I want those people to be here for at least two reasons:
> Define "those people". Testing and Un-stable isn't for Joe or Jane
> Lunchbucket and never has been. :) Ric

Hi guys,

please, I do not want to start any flamewars. If this list is only for stable 
users, then please point me to a better one.

IMO people and also developers should know, if something is notworking as 

These might be caused by two options: 

1. I am doing something wrong, misconfigure something or did not understand 
some things. Then, if I know that, I can change it, and I can learn it. 

2. The system is wrong, there is a bug or something around the system has 
changed (i.e. a protocol has changed). Then all people should know this.

Personally I am running debian/testing on some different machines, 32-bit and 
64-bit-multiarch. As Im mostly updating all machines daily, I am very fast 
aware, if something is changing and not working correct. 

If so, first I take a look, if I did something wrong, read the manual and the 
changelogs. Also inspecting google, if this problem already occured somewhere 
else, maybe in another distribution. 

At last, when I find no solution, I am asking my last ressort: Developers and 
users, who know more than me. 

If you think, this is the wrong way, feel free to point me to a better way.

If you think, I am asking to often, then it is caused by my often updates.

So, please apologize if I seem to annoying.

Happy hacking!


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