On Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 12:40:05 PM UTC+5:30, Stuart Longland wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> On 25/08/15 12:28, Rusi Mody wrote:
> > I am teaching python (and some other related stuff) Students
> > connect with a thin client that connects to the linux VM. The thin
> > clients have the usual options - shell (ssh) - windows (rdp) -
> Well, you've got two options there, one is to use XDMCP, the other is
> to install xrdp on the server and use that.  I realise you're looking
> for XDMCP as the solution, but just pointing out the other is an option.

Ok xrdp is the ticket -- Thanks!

And now... [different question, so subject changed]

With 40 xrdp logins the VM crawls.
How to performance monitor it?
ie is it disk or ram or CPUs or ... that needs to be increased?

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