On 2015-08-24 19:20 +0200, Haines Brown wrote:

> I raised this question before without success, and here rephrase the
> question.
> Normally xrandr reports that VGA-1 is disconnected and DVI-I-1 is
> connected. However, currently both are connected.

Unless you have actually two monitors connected, that's a kernel bug.

> Problem is that the
> display comes up with a low resolution. I'm running Jessie, but an
> installation of Wheezy on another drive on the same machine
> automatically gives me the 1920x1080 resolution with the same nouveau
> driver.

You might want to test different kernels on your Jessie machine,
e.g. the 3.2 Wheezy kernel or the 4.1 Stretch kernel.

> I'm apparently using DVI-I-1, but highest available resolution is not
> being selected. In the return for xrandr I get
>   1920x1080  59.83 +
>   ...
>   1024x768   60.00 *
>   ...
> For VGA-1 I get
>   1024x768   60.00 *
>   ...
> What is the mechanism/script that automatically selects my card's
> optimal resolution? How can I disconnect the VGA-1 so that what it
> has as current does not conflict with the DVI-I-1 current?

It is possible to disable a certain output via the video=… kernel
parameter, e.g. video=VGA-1:d.  Maybe this helps, but it is also
possible that you get a black screen.

See http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/KernelModeSetting/.


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