Le quintidi 5 fructidor, an CCXXIII, bri...@aracnet.com a écrit :
> > Can you post the output of "aplay -l" and the contents of
> > /etc/asound.conf and ~/.asoundrc?

Do you realize you did not provide the requested information that would help
troubleshooting your problem?

> I was trying to play something in the browser and noticed that it was 
> invoking aplay.

That is rather surprising from the browser, but trying aplay is the right
thing to do.

> so i downloaded the audiofile and tried to play it on the command line and 
> got this :
> Playing WAVE 'test.wav' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono
> aplay: set_params:1233: Sample format non available
> Available formats:
> - S16_LE
> another one of those problems that shows up all over the place, but no one 
> seems to be able to fix.

I have given information on how to use aplay to investigate sound trouble in
this mail:


You also could have searched "sample format" in the man page for aplay(1).


  Nicolas George

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