On Aug 20, 2015 6:54 AM, "ken" <geb...@mousecar.com> wrote:
> One of the build options for a laptop I'm looking at buying is DVD vs
Blu-Ray.  I've never used Blue-ray before, so is there some compelling
reason, as a Linux guy, to want to get Blu-ray?
       First of all, is this going to be your desktop or a server? If the
later, can't see the point for blueray. One of the compelling reasons
against is that only movies use it. Second, it has dmr crap in it that
might require binary only spyware to work. Third, they behave like Android
phones in that they keep pushing new releases but no firmware updates for
older devices; you have to keep on buying new devices which only change
from old one by having brand new spyware. If I were to read in my blueray
movies - legal to do FYI - I would do so somewhere else or find external
drive that can read it.

On the positive side, blueray sounds cooler than DVD.
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