On 20/08/15 06:59, Bonno Bloksma wrote:
If you are talking about console use, indeed I would not know why I would want 
/ need it there.

Because you might be using your terminal to edit an input file for a document processing system which contains the character, or to create new files that contain the character.

The terminal has no really reliable way of determining what you're doing in the terminal, so can't legitimately decide *for you* whether it should be doing magic to mark your no-break spaces as not being regular spaces (and/or convert no-break spaces in its input into regular spaces). Even individual terminal-interactive programs would be on somewhat shaky ground making that decision.

One could reasonably argue for "squelch no-break spaces in input" as a toggleable feature of terminal emulators, but I suspect that there's room for Excitement with such a feature.

So all in all, the best way to deal with this is almost certainly for the status quo to be left intact (Alt-Spacebar emits U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE), and for users who don't like the status quo to modify their X keymaps to make Alt-Spacebar emit U+0020 SPACE instead.SPACE.

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