On Wednesday 19 August 2015 19:05:47 Lisi Reisz wrote:

> On Wednesday 19 August 2015 23:22:30 Gene Heskett wrote:
> > They apparently did something just before 15:00 local time
> > (GMT-4=EDT today, as both mailfilter and fetchmail are now reporting
> > a password authorization failure.
> >
> > Thats two separate config files, neither of which has been into an
> > editor to even change the size of the top dot of an i in about 2
> > years.
> >
> > So, is it me, or has gmail changed the protocol somehow?
> I'm not having problems.  So far.  Your email came via Gmail, and I'll
> send this via Gmail and see if it goes through.  If it arrives, it
> did. ;-)
> Lisi

Not much of a test Lisi. I am subscribed to this list using a wdtv.com 
address.  So my mail only goes thru a gmail server if its going to a 
person who is subscribed to this list using a gmail address.

Gmail locked me out, intermittently, then permanently, 7 or 8 months 
back, but the shentel alias kept on working till yesterday afternoon.

Shentel farmed their email services out to gmail most of a year ago, so 
when I post to a shentel server, its actually going out thru gmail.

This is single access attempt:
mailfilter: 0.8.3 querying ghesk...@shentel.net@pop.gmail.com on Thu Aug 
20 01:07:02 2015.
mailfilter: Error: Error occured while sending password to server.
mailfilter: Error: Server login failure.
mailfilter: Error: Skipping account ghesk...@shentel.net@pop.gmail.com 
due to earlier errors.
fetchmail: Authorization failure on 
fetchmail: For help, see http://www.fetchmail.info/fetchmail-FAQ.html#R15
fetchmail: Query status=3 (AUTHFAIL)

So both mailfilter and fetchmail are being denied with an AUTHFAIL.  I'll 
attempt to scratch this itch during business hours tomorrow.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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