On Tue, Nov 11, 2003 at 03:32:18PM +0100, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> ..oooooh, daring.  You oughtta come up with a policy on how you wanna
> sysadmin or coach your clientele, and upfront.  Good luck!  ;-)
Well, I've come up with this  much (quote from  my website
For a monthly fee, I will administer your computers. There are 2 plans.

Basic Plan:
When a patch for your distro is released, I will patch the system. I will
also set up a firewall customized for your needs. Whenever you feel you need
a kernel upgrade, I'll custom-compile a new kernel for your system.

Premium Plan:
You get the basic plan, plus I will install/compile and configure any
packages you want.

Two questions now: is there anything else I should offer with either plan?
And, how much do you think I should charge monthly (in USD)?


Vikki Roemer        Homepage: http://neuromancer.homelinux.com/
Registered Linux user #280021   http://counter.li.org/

By golly, I'm beginning to think Linux really *is* the best thing since
sliced bread.

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