On Mon, 2003-11-10 at 08:59, Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
> Yeah, well, I don't know if that is exactly the point, but according to 
> the GNU parted homepage, parted can only resize ext2, ext3 and reiserFS 
> partitions if the starting point remains fixed... I guess that's rarely 
> very useful, because in many cases, there is another partition 
> immediately following the first partition... That's how it is in my 
> case anyway. 

This is kind of OT in regards to the initial question, but in regards to
resizing partitions you do have a few options. ReiserFS does have it's
own resize utility (part of the reiserfsprogs package) which can do all
sorts of resizing operations. (I've actually had mixed results with
using parted on reiserfs partitions, so I'd suggest sticking with the
most current official programs.)

In regards to resizing ext2/3 partitions, it is true that the beginning
of the partition must remain fixed. I believe that MOVE operations will
work on ext partitions however. So given the following:

Minor     Start     End
1:            1     100
2:          101     200
3:          201     300

You could do something along the lines of:

resize 1 1 50
move 2 51 150
resize 2 51 200

Alex Malinovich
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