I know I was able to install it using the apt-get option.

apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree

You may need to add the non-free to /etc/sources.list. I can't be sure.

On 15-06-12 8:58 PM, Thomas H. George wrote:
> Using Iceweasel I continually get a popup saying Flash Player needed
> to display some content. In fact, all the content seems to be
> displayed so the popup is only a minor annoyance.
> BUT then a friend send a link to photos at shutterfly which I can't
> view as Flash Player is required.
> I tried installing Flash Player by downloading the tar.gz version and
> following the installation instructions. Popup is still there.  Next I
> downloaded the .rpm version and used alien and dpkg to install it.
> Popup is still there and no photos.
> These installations may have been at least partially successful, gnome
> now includes Adobe Flash Player in the list of applications. Maybe it
> always did and I never noticed before.
> Any advice on getting this working?
> Tom 

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