Francis Gerund wrote:
> It should be so simple . . .

It is simple.  :-)

> 1) I have a new installation of Debian 8 stable (Jessie).
> 2) I want to convert it to a pure Debian testing setup, to track testing
> indefinitely.

Beware that Testing is entering the most volatile time in its
lifecycle.  The floodgates are open now.  Updates are flowing.  Life
in Testing is getting interesting again.

> here is my current /etc/apt/sources.list:


> Is this what it should be changed to:?

Yes.  That would be okay.

I suggest using the named release candidate "stretch" rather than
"testing".  That way when stretch releases and becomes the new Stable
release at that time your system would not automatically be pulled
forward.  That gives you time to read the release notes and to react
to required actions needed before the next upgrade.

> (In the past, i have tried that, and it screwed up my installation.  I
> don't ever want that to happen again.)

I suspect that it wasn't the syntactic change to sources.list that
"screwed up" your installation.  Instead it is the nature of using the
release candidate Testing or Unstable versions.  When using those beta
release tracks you are the beta tester.  Sometimes there are problems.
It isn't a released track.  There is no guarantee that you won't have
problems with it.  Historically there have been many accidents and
incidents that cause problem for both Unstable and Testing.  Users of
them are participating in the making of the sausage there.

If you want a trouble free release track that is the Stable release.
Jessie is now the new Stable release.


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